Fighting Back Against Fall Armyworm, Part II

Fighting Back Against Fall Armyworm, Part II

Maize is the most important staple cereal crop grown by smallholders in sub-Saraharn Africa. Maize accounts for more than half...

We Feel Safer with Chlorinated Water

We Feel Safer with Chlorinated Water

“We know that paying for the chlorine tablets is worth it. We can feel the difference!” Socorro is one of...

One Less Worry for Charity

One Less Worry for Charity

“Meeting Self-Help has brought something big to my family. It has really taught me the value of useful advice; help...

Learning to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

Learning to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

As part of our ongoing training and advising, as well as micro-loan disbursement and collection, SHI micro-credit officers Yolanda and...

Expanding Training & Micro-Loans to New Communities Thanks to YOU!

Expanding Training & Micro-Loans to New Communities Thanks to YOU!

Happy Holidays!  Thank you to all who are reading this: your support this past year has made a tremendous difference...

Partnering for Healthier, Hunger-Free Communities

Partnering for Healthier, Hunger-Free Communities

By August 2017, Self-Help International Teen Girls Club had been operational for a year with a goal helping teen girls...

#GivingTuesday: the results are in!

#GivingTuesday: the results are in!

WOW! YOU’RE AMAZING! Over the past year, we’ve shared stories with you of how access to training + the resources...