2024 LAGS Memorial Golf Tournament

Special Invite LAGS

The LAGS Memorial Weekend is back for the 16th year! Join us for the Lags Memorial Golf Tournament at Prairie Links Golf Course in Waverly on Friday, followed by a post-golf party hosted at Joe’s Knight Hawk. The fun continues at this year’s Lagsride on Saturday, July 13th. More information below.

9 HOLE PAR 3 CHALLENGE: Thursday, July 11th

$200 per foursome
$50 per individual

Location: Prairie Links Golf Course is located at 19 Eagle Ridge Dr. in Waverly

Time: 5pm Shotgun Start

GOLF TOURNAMENT: Friday, July 12th

$400 per foursome
$100 per individual

Location: Prairie Links Golf Course is located at 19 Eagle Ridge Dr. in Waverly

Time: 11am Shotgun Start

REGISTER HERE or by calling 319-352-4040.
Individuals who register for both the 9 Hole Par 3 Challenge, and the Golf Tournament are offered a discounted registration of $500.

Registration opens at 9 am
Shotgun start at 11:00 am


Immediately after conclusion of play, join us for the post golf party at Joe’s Knight Hawk, 1002 W. Bremer Ave, Waverly, Iowa where we will announce tournament results, award prizes, and auction off donated items. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the LAGS Memorial Weekend!

LAGSRIDE: REGISTER HERE or by calling 319-352-4040.

Ride to alleviate hunger this summer by taking part in the annual Lagsride bicycle event. This year’s ride will begin in Waverly on Saturday, July 13, 2023. Ride the beautiful trail, with refreshment stops in Waverly and Denver, Iowa. Registration is free! A suggested donation of $25 per person will support Self-Help’s efforts to bring clean water to families in rural Nicaragua. The ride begins at 11 a.m. with registration open at 10:30 a.m. Meet at Kohlmann Park by the shelter near Bremer Ave, rain or shine.



All proceeds from the 2023 Lags Memorial Golf Tournament Weekend will benefit Self-Help International, Waverly’s own international non-profit organization, in their mission to alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. Self-Help provides opportunities for rural farm families around the world to improve their quality of life with dignity through improving agriculture, fighting malnutrition, accessing clean water, and empowering women and girls. Self-Help’s long-term solutions help families in Ghana and Nicaragua escape hunger and poverty.

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    207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
    3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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