My Love for Agriculture Came Back, Thanks to Self-Help International

By Rodolfo Ricardo Hernandez Navas | Agricultural Extension Program Officer

Luis showing the quality of his corn crop

Luis had spent many years working for other people in cattle ranching. He had given up
crop farming due to the poor yields he obtained every time he planted. Now thanks to
training, donations of quality seed, and financing provided by Self-Help International
(SHI), Luis again believes that crops can be successful for him.

Luis proudly showing his corn crop

Luis is originally from the community of Morrito in the Department of Rio San Juan,
Nicaragua. He is married and has one son. At the age of 7 he began working alongside his father on a cattle ranch. There he learned how to diagnose cow pregnancy (palpation). When he became an expert in that subject, he obtained a scholarship to complete a course in artificial insemination in the city of Masaya. The educational center where Luis studied saw that he was very good at what he did, so
they offered him a job as head of the sperm bank of the center in addition to being the
inseminator of the official bovine module. One day a client came to Luis and offered him
a job with better pay and the option of farming 17.40 acres of land. The land would be
available for as long as Luis was his employee, and, most importantly he would live
closer to his family in Rio San Juan. Luis accepted the offer and for the past 13 years he
has lived on that farm.

Luis feeding his animals

On that new farm Luis grew different types of basic grains in addition to managing the insemination of the animals. However, he never saw good results from planting corn. He continued to plant beans because they generated more profit than corn.
In 2021 Luis saw a beautiful cornfield planted in a way that he had never seen before. He was curious to know why that corn had been planted differently from the traditional way that he was used to seeing. He went to the farmer who owned the plot, who explained that he was part of a group of farmers from the Ojo de Agua community who were working with an organization called Self-Help International, located in the community of Quinta Lidia. Luis continued; “The friend who owned the plot very kindly
explained to me how they did this type of planting. I asked him if I could be part of that organization and he immediately told me that, yes, in this organization they receive all the people who want to work. That is how I started working with Self-Help International
and got excited about planting corn again.”
“I wanted to learn the double-row planting technique, but by that time it was too late in the season, so I worked closely with the producer who owned the plot and watched how the corn progressed. What a pleasant surprise it was when I saw the excellent harvest
that this neighbor obtained, 116 bushels of shelled corn from one manzana (1.73 acres),
which was amazing compared to the 18 bushels I used to produce from the same area.
The following year Luis rushed to be part of the Agriculture Program promoted by SHI.
The Agriculture Program Officer visited him and included him in the group of corn
producers. Luis received training on how to implement the double-row planting technique. He received a donation of seeds of both corn and beans with high quality protein, and a loan to purchase the other inputs. He appreciates that the organization helps the small producer by making available seed already certified with an analysis of fungi and bacteria, and with the germination rate tested.
Immediately for the 2022 planting season Luis planted one manzana of corn with the
INTA Nutrader seed variety and followed the recommendations indicated during the field
visits by the Agriculture Program Officer. The yields he obtained exceeded the harvest
of the neighboring producer. Luis managed to harvest 134 bushels of shelled corn,
including what he gave to his friends and what he consumed with his family. He also
gave corn seed to his father and brothers so that they could benefit from the program
the next planting season. He recommended this corn to his relatives because of its high
yield, extra protein and good flavor.
Luis was even happier when it was time to sell the corn because it was bringing a very
good price. He sold it for 700 Cordobas ($19.11) for 100 pounds. Of the 134 bushels he
harvested, he sold 116 bushels. In addition, he kept 2 bushels for seed and the rest for
feeding his family and animals. Luis goes on to say: “I never imagined that with this
variety of INTA Nutrader corn and with the double-row technique I would obtain this
yield. I was surprised by the result.” He continued, “The complicated thing for me was
that at the time of harvesting and shelling I spent more money than usual due to the
lack of labor in the area. With the sale of the corn, I managed to earn around 45,500
Cordobas ($1,245). I immediately began to think that I should do something to avoid
having labor problems with the harvesting and shelling again, so I bought a corn sheller.
Now I offer shelling service to my neighbors to generate extra income. I am investing
the profits from the corn not only to streamline my work but also to support my wife.
Beginning in 2024 I started a small chicken business for my wife to handle herself, so
she feels more motivated and can help support our family.”

Luis providing shelling service to other farmers

“I still live on the same farm, but thanks to the results I have obtained I have acquired
new benefits for myself and my family from sources of income that I did not imagine
“I thank Self-Help International for the opportunity they gave me to be a beneficiary of
the Agriculture Program and for the technical advice they give to help our neighbors,
friends and family.”
“We appreciate your support and ask you to continue assisting producers in this region
and elsewhere in Nicaragua. I give thousands of thanks to the people who make the
effort to support the organization so that these benefits can occur.”