Overview of What We Do

What We Do

Sustainable community development

Self-Help’s mission is to alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. Our locally-hired team of skilled professionals serve rural communities in Ghana in West Africa and Nicaragua in Central America, to improve the population’s quality of life with dignity.

Our approach emphasizes sustainable solutions, focusing on education, training, and leadership development to enable families and communities to meet their needs with dignity. Operating under the principle of providing a “hand up” rather than a “handout,” Self-Help International is not a relief organization but a catalyst for long-term development and sustainability. Our proven track record showcases our effectiveness in helping people help themselves, ultimately improving their quality of life.

Where We Work

We're working in Nicaragua and Ghana

All of Self-Help’s programs work together to build sustainable rural development. Everyone’s lives are multi-faceted and our approach to alleviating hunger and poverty must also be multi-faceted.

Our Programs

Helping people help themselves

Accessing Clean Water

Clean water reduces waterborne diseases & improves daily school & work attendance.

Improving Agriculture

Families struggle with affording animal products, lacking irrigation for crops, and insufficient harvest.

Ending Malnutrition

We empower women and improve vital nutrition in the first 1,000 days of life.

Empowering Women

Women reinvest 90% of their income into their families, driving long-term economic gains.

Self-Help International

Do you want to get involved?

Serve People

Volunteer or Go Abroad

Come with us on one of our trips to meet the people we serve.

Build Memories

Work with Self-Help

Work with us to build life-long relationships and memories.

Encourage Others

Spread the Word

Encourage others to help our cause through various event opportunities.
207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
Connect With Us
EIN- 42-0844679
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Self-Help International, a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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