Self-Help’s response to the novel coronavirus at a glance:
What does the novel coronavirus mean for the annual spring gala?
Given the recent Centers for Disease Control guidance on mass gatherings, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the annual spring gala, previously scheduled for April 17. Those of you who have attended this signature annual event for years have told us that you enjoyed the emphasis during the program on accomplishments and upcoming plans, and that is something we look forward to communicating with you in an alternate format that you can enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own home.
We remain committed to helping you make the difference you wish to make, and honoring the commitments we’ve made to the communities we serve. Further details about the new format will be posted online at and shared via e-mail and social media channels.
What does coronavirus mean for the communities Self-Help works in?
Self-Help is all about alleviating hunger by helping people help themselves. We partner with community leaders to provide capacity building training, and resources to put that training into action.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to prioritize the health and safety of the community members we serve, the supporters who make that work possible, and our staff and key advisors by taking actions that keep our colleagues, friends, and families healthy.
What our day-to-day services look like will evolve over the coming weeks. As an organization we will:
Our overseas staff in Ghana and Nicaragua will:
Our US-based staff will continue to provide remote support to our overseas teams. All staff are working remotely at this time, and we are transitioning previously scheduled in-person meetings to virtual meetings or phone calls to respect recommendations for social distancing. International travel is on hold until further notice.
How can you help?
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