(Waverly, Iowa) A board member for 15 years and past president, Howard has been involved with Self-Help since 1975. An Air Force Veteran, Mueller graduated from Iowa State University in 1953. Mueller was self-employed as the co-operator of a family farming business he owns with his wife Fran. Today, he is retired, but helps his son Mark Mueller, who has taken over the business. They grow corn, soybeans, and contract specialty crops. Over the years, Mueller has also been involved with a variety of boards and committees. He has served as chairman for the U.S. Grains Council, Iowa Corn Promotion Board, Iowa Corn Growers Association, National Federal Land Bank Advisory Committee, Cedar Falls Federal Land Bank Advisory Committee, and the Waverly-Shell Rock School Board. Similarly, he has served as director of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, Trustee of the National Agriculture Council of America and has completed trade missions for the U.S. Grains Council to China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Russia, East Germany, Algeria and Morocco. Additionally, John accompanied John Block, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, on a public relations mission to Japan. Mueller has been named Iowa Master Farmer, class of 1986, and was awarded a Community Service Award with his wife Fran by the Waverly Chamber of Commerce, 1985. Howard and Fran have two sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. In his spare time, Howard likes to attend his granddaughters’ events. He also plays the baritone in the New Horizons Band, UNI, and the Waverly Municipal Band, and enjoys traveling with Fran.