Empowering Women&Girls

Women reinvest 90% of their income into the family. This means women spend more on their children—food, shelter, and education—which creates long-term social and economic gains for their communities. This makes them an integral part of ending the cycle of poverty. In fact, if women had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase yields on their farm by 20 to 30%.

My greatest joy from joining the program is my ability to provide health care and support for Jessica [Jessica suffers from Autism]…at first Jessica could not do a thing on her own, but now she is able to feed herself…I am confident she will continue to improve.

Akua Erica, Ghana

Investing in women makes the biggest impact.


Women reinvest 90% of their income into the family, ensuring that their children are well-fed, clothed, sheltered, and able to get the education they need to break free from the cycle of poverty.

According to the Food & Agriculture Organization, if women in rural areas had access to the same technology, financial services, education, and market as men, they could increase agricultural production to feed up to 150 million hungry people.


can change a life
With a gift of $150 you can provide a women her first startup loan to startup or expand her business. Click below to donate.

Small Loans to Advance Entrepreneurship

Women start with $50 loans, and can gradually increase to $500 if needed to expand their business. Repayment rates average 98%, and the repaid loans are re-invested to offer training and financing to extend the opportunities to more women in need.

Promoting Community Education & Ownership

Before women are granted micro-credit loans from Self-Help they must successfully complete a six-month training program teaching basic business guidelines (how to determine business income, how to make personal savings for future expenses, and the benefits of reinvesting profits into businesses) and healthy, day-to-day living strategies. Even illiterate mothers who lack formal education or collateral are able to start successful small businesses, and generate a steady source of income for their families.

Self-Help has empowered over 950 women in 2023 alone.

SHI Teen Girls Club

The Teen Girls Club was created after listening to women in the micro-credit program who wanted better futures for their daughters. Our team works with young women to build their self esteem, expand their English, and provide opportunities for them to flourish. Together, we can give a future to these young girls.

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Self-Help International, a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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