Organization Staff


Nora Tobin

Nora joined Self-Help as Executive Director in January 2014 after earning a Master’s in International Peace Studies from Trinity College Dublin. Originally from Clive, Iowa, she earned a BA in Political Science and International Studies from Iowa State University. Nora is a recipient of the Des Moines Business Record’s 40 Under 40 Award and the ISU Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Nora’s previous work focused on food security and youth development with the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines, Iowa, promoting public health and community development at the Office for Institutional HIV Prevention in Stellenbosch, South Africa, and administering international exchange programs between universities in the USA and Africa in Washington, DC. Nora served as a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar in Dublin, Ireland, where her research focused on the impact of tourism on economic development in post-conflict areas.

Executive Director

Kassi Bailey

Kassi joined Self-Help as Deputy Director in June 2023. Originally from Winterset, Iowa she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and International Studies with minors in Math and Spanish from Iowa State University. Kassi has worked in the non-profit realm for the last 10 years and the last 8 years in citizen diplomacy and international exchanges. Her love of international exchanges came from her first trip abroad via a sister city exchange where she traveled to Japan when she was only 13 years old. This trip encouraged her passion for travel, expanded her interest in learning about people from other cultures, and an understanding that you never know how one person can make an impact on an individual or community.

Deputy Director

Stacy Bastian

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Des Moines Office Manager

Jorge Campos

Jorge was Self-Help International’s first hire in Nicaragua, after Hurricane Mitch devastated the country in 1998. He started as the Agriculture Program Officer, promoting Quality Protein Maize (QPM) all over Nicaragua, and has since been promoted to his current role as Country Director and legal representative of the organization. Jorge graduated from Escuela Normal Ricardo Morales Aviles in Jinotepe, Carazo as a Primary School Teacher in 1985, then moved Rio San Juan. Since then, Jorge has been dedicated to educating high school and college-age youth. In his continual pursuit for higher education, Jorge earned a degree in Agricultural Sciences Engineering in 1998 from the UPONIC University in San Carlos, Rio San Juan and later earned several agriculture-related continuing education certificates from various universities, and participated in seminars promoted by CIMMYT-CIDA-QPM in San Andres, El Salvador in 2005, and studied high quality seed production and post-harvest practice at CIMMYT Agriculture University in Honduras in 2006. Jorge has also served as a member of the CSE-CED (Supreme Electoral Council) supporting the national elections process in Rio San Juan in 2001, 2006, and 2011, and in local elections in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Jorge enjoys combining his educational and agricultural experience to help the highest need population in rural Rio San Juan – the famers. Jorge finds satisfaction in helping farmers obtain basic knowledge and skills to improve their yields by implementing new technologies, planting process managing, and soil maintenance, in service to Self-Help International’s mission to alleviate hunger by helping people to help themselves.

Country Director

Lucia Vega Galeano

Lucia Joined Self-Help International in June 2011 as the Program Operations Manager. In this position, Lucia manages the finances and programs of Self-Help International – Nicaragua. Lucia believes that the money donated to Self-Help needs to be managed well in order to benefit Nicaraguans served by Self-Help through trainings, technical support, equipment, and loans, and takes pride in ensuring that it is. She also arranges all board member and volunteer visits to Nicaragua, ensuring that they have unforgettable experiences. Prior to joining Self-Help, Lucia received a Cooperative Association of States for Scholarship (CASS) scholarship from Georgetown University in conjunction with USAID, and in 1999, she graduated from Forest Park Community College in Saint Louis, Missouri, with degrees in Quality Control Technology and English as a Second Language. After graduating, she received another scholarship from the World Bank and Georgetown, which she used to study Business Administration and Accounting in Nicaragua. She also obtained Marketing, Business Management, and Project Management and Evaluation certificates from the Virtual University Nicaragua-Monterey, Mexico. During her studies, Lucia worked as an administrator for the Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting economic and social development in Nicaragua.

Program Operations Manager

Carlos Alfredo Obando Ruíz

Carlos grew up with three brothers and two sisters on a farm Santa Isabel, near Self-Help’s headquarters in Quinta Lidia. For five years in primary and secondary school, Carlos had to walk 5 kms to school but near the end of high school he and his parents decided he should switch schools to find something that was both closer and offered better education. His new school was still 3 km from home, but it had computer equipment, so Carlos had the opportunity to learn computer science in addition to his regular studies. He ultimately graduated high school from the Institute of San Carlos Borromeo in San Carlos. 

After graduating from high school, Carlos emigrated to Costa Rica where he worked for 2.5 years, saving money so he could continue his studies in Managua. He graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Public Accounting and Auditing in 2016 from the Universidad del Valle in Managua.

Carlos has worked as an accounting assistant in two large and recognized companies in Managua – Gilberto Bendaña & Cia Ltda from 2014 to 2018 and Bombas de Nicaragua SA and Piscinas de Nicaragua SA from 2019 to 2020.

Carlos lost his job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so he moved back to his parents’ farm. While job hunting, his aunt, a member of Self-Help’s Women’s Empowerment Program, recommended Carlos for the role of Accounting Assistant. He has been with Self-Help since March 2021.

Staff Accountant

Edelia Aracelly Cruz Torrez

Edelia Aracelly Cruz Torrez, born in 1996 in the San José #2 community, municipality of San Carlos – Rio San Juan. She grew up with her father Rafael Antonio Cruz Zavala and her mother María Magdalena Torrez Gámez with 3 more siblings. Edelia lived for 12 years in the community of San José #2 and then moved to San José #1 along with her family members, because her parents decided that their children must study and the schools were far away from where they used to live, especially the Highschool. Her parents bought a piece of land in the community and it was there where Edelia finished her primary school education.

Edelia started her highschool at the José Coronel Urtecho Institute, which is located 3 kms away from her hometown, to attend classes Edelia walked those three kilometers every day back and forth and thanks to all of her efforts she always showed her academic exellence earning awards for any important achievement she had in that school.

Edelia finished her high school studies at the age of 17 years old, but her parents couldn’t afford to send her to the University, because the classes one was in the city of Juigalpa Chontales. Since Edelia was still interesting on keep studying her parents decided to help her to study at least a basic computer class in a Cyber (Internet shop) in the city of San Carlos which is about 24 kms away from her community San Jose#1 in which Edelia attended her classes during the weekends, allowing her to find a job and help her parents to pay for her classes. She was a teacher in her community in a program called “Youth and Adults Literacy” teaching to people with little literacy knowledge at her community twice a week. By doing this work Edelia was able to help her parents who did not have a fixed salary as her mother is a housewife and her father a farmer.

Magdalena, Edelia’s mother, was a beneficiary of the Women’s Empowerment Program, receiving training and loan who started selling baked goods and with her savings she bought a corn mill and now her incomes are higher since other peoples from her community and surrounding communities come to grind corn in her mill. At the age of 18 years old, Edelia had the opportunity to study to become a Teacher in the city of San Carlos thanks to the extension of the Escuela Normal Regional Gregorio Aguilar Barea from Juigalpa – Chontales, which provided teachers from its branch to travel once a month to San Carlos to give teaching classes to people with limited economic resources. In this way, Edelia, who really wanted to succeed, made a double effort to come to San Carlos to also study this degree for three years. In the last year, almost to finish teaching, the school requires all its students to carry out an educational project where all the Normalist schools throughout the country participated and Edelia won it in the three different locations where the competition was held (San Carlos, Juigalpa and Managua) with her project named “WHATSAPEANDO AND STUDYING THE EDUCATION WE ARE IMPROVING” obtaining an award of recognition for excellence in the same year she finished her study in 2017. During this year, Edelia was hired for five months in the organization Self Help International, making a subsidy to Lic. Yolanda Fletes for her pregnancy, demonstrating all her skills in her work.

In 2018, Edelia began to study a microcomputing operator and qualification course authorized by INATEC, the period lasted 18 months, In 2019 Edelia began to study at the UNAN-Managua University the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, although with a lot of effort due to the distance that the university was located she overcame all obstacles, although there was times that her and her parents’ incomes could not cover for her studies and her parents had to sell something from their own such as: a pig, a calf or beans to solve the situation and always support their daughter. On April 24, 2021, Edelia married Maynor Ismael Rivera Osejo, who took over Edelia’s studies. Maynor’s job is to buy and sell basic grains as rice, beans, corn, etc, plus also works in a grocery store. When Edelia got married she started working along with her husband in the store to support him in any way possible as well as keep paying her education, obtaining that way her degree. Edelia started working for Self – Help International  in 2023 as the Women’s Empowerment Officer.

Women’s Empowerment Program Officer

Orlando Montiel Salas

Orlando is an Agricultural Sciences Engineer, with continuing education certification in Project Management and Evaluation. He has had experience working in both private and public sectors, at the Ministry of Agriculture, as Program Committee Organizer at San Carlos City Hall, and as teacher at two universities (UPF and Martin Lutero) in San Carlos, Rio San Juan – Nicaragua. Orlando started working part-time as Self-Help Nicaragua’s Micro-credit Program Officer in June 2006. In 2012, he transitioned to his current role as the Clean Water Program Officer where he promotes the use of the CTI-8 chlorinator and educates community leaders about the importance of purified water in rural areas around Rio San Juan. Under his leadership, the program has extended to additional Nicaraguan states including Nueva Guinea, Zelaya Central and Chontales. Orlando  proud to carry out Self-Help’s mission and help people help themselves by training people to treat water with this new technology so they receive higher quality water and learn good hygiene!

Clean Water Program Officer

Mario Barberena

Mario joined Self–Help International as a Quality Protein Maize (QPM) Agriculture Program Assistant in 2013, and oversees seed producers of QPM in Ochomogo, Rivas. Having previously worked on his family farm and cultivating crops without the benefit of Self-Help’s improved technology, he appreciates the opportunity to help other farmers understand the benefits of new planting and harvesting technologies by putting into practice procedures he learned from the Self-Help agriculture program.

QPM Agriculture Program Assistant

Rodolfo Ricardo Hernandez Navas

Rodolfo is originally from San Carlos, Río San Juan. He graduated college in Rivas with a degree in Agricultural Engineering in 2006, where he also studied minor surgeries and participated in a national science exposition in a study on bananas. He continued working for the science exposition for an additional year after graduating, focusing on every aspect of pig management. His work experience includes working for APAC San Carlos (Pueblos en Acción Comunitaria) on environmentally friendly cocoa and management of a coffee farm in San Marcos, Carazo. He’s spent the last five years working on micro-finance at FUDEMI and the PRODESA Corporation. Rodolfo and his wife have two children. Rodolfo is grateful for the opportunity to work at Self-Help International.

Agriculture Program Officer

Nelson Francisco Martínez Morales

Nelson Francisco Martínez Morales credits his love of the land and mother earth to his maternal grandparents, who he lived with for the first 11 years of his life. It was that love that head him to earn a degree as a Senior Technician in Agricultural Sciences from the International School of Agriculture and Livestock (EIAG) in Rivas, Nicaragua.

After completing his studies, Nelson eventually returned to Estelí where he spent two years volunteering with Octupan Association in Palacugüina, contributing his knowledge and learning about gender issues, harvest and environment techniques, citizenship, and program administration and management.

Due to the lack of paid job opportunities in Nicaragua, Nelson and his family migrated to Costa Rica to live and work. Four years later, the opportunity arose to move back to their homeland, and Nelson took a job with the Octupan Association. Nelson worked with Octupan as a field facilitator or extension technician in projects related to food security, improving livelihoods, helping women cultivate lands, water harvesting, and coordination of agroecology networks among key partner organizations at the national and international levels.

Nelson first began working with Self-Help International in 2021 through a partnership between SHI and Octupan to support farmers in Condega and Palacagüina to utilize improved farming methods to cultivate quality protein maize, biofortified beans and sorghum. Nelson joined SHI’s team in January 2023 as an agricultural technician in the municipalities of Codega in the department of Estelí and Palacagüina in the department from Madriz to help people to help themselves by providing them knowledge and skills to improve their quality of life. Nelson and his wife Xiomara have two children. Their daughter Nelsin is in university studying medicine, and their son Baruch is in primary school.

Agriculture Program Officer

Oliver Javier Salgado Machado

Oliver Javier Salgado Machado, originally from the City of New Guinea, chose to study Renewable Energy Engineering at the UNAN-MANAGUA/FAREM-Estelí University in the city of Estelí after high school. He arrived in Estelí without knowing anyone or the city, and was motivated and guided by his determination to study in the Renewable Energy field.

After graduating, Oliver was hired by Energía Eléctrica Sol y Viento S.A Company in the position of “Installer”. In just a couple of months they promoted him to “Supervisor”. After months of work, the company was going through a difficult time and low production so they decided to change a large part of the staff and in that transition Oliver was promoted to “Electrical Works Coordinator”. After this, the project manager and Oliver began to redesign the work methodology and make changes to the personnel of minor positions. After this, in just one month the changes were already noticeable and things began to improve especially in production, in 2 months they had doubled production and in 4 months they had tripled production. In May 2023 the project ended, but Oliver considered it a great blessing to be a part of it, since he developed there and trained as an engineer, it was a great school.  While waiting for new job opportunities Oliver started working in his mother, Lucia Machado’s business. She owns a small hardware store that has been growing since its beginnings. Oliver focused on improving the hardware store in points such as presentation, product variety, customer service, among other things. At that time, his time was divided in the hardware store and providing electrical services to private places such as homes, farms, and businesses. One day while Oliver was doing a private job, he got a call from a friend that there was a vacancy in a company that might be of his interest. This is how he met SELF-HELP INTERNATIONAL. He contacted Orlando Montiel and sent him his Resume and shortly afterward he attended an interview with Orlando, Jorge and Lucia. Before attending the interview Oliver was still not sure if he wanted to be part of SHI or not. At the time of the interview they told him about the organization and gave him many details, they detailed their goals and vision and also about the Clean Water program in New Guinea that they wanted to keep developing. Everything they told Oliver was of complete interest to him, he saw it as the ideal place to continue growing as a person and a professional.

“Thank God I am now part of the SHELF-HELP INTERNATIONAL and I am exciting to give my best and make a significant contribution so that the Clean Water Program is developed correctly in New Guinea.”

Agriculture Program Officer

Benjamin Kusi

Benjamin joined the SHI team in 1998 to develop his engineering skills after receiving his Bachelor’s of Science in Agriculture Engineering at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana, and has continued to take on greater leadership positions within the organization ever since. Benjamin earned a Masters’ degree in Human Resource Development from University of Cape Coast, focusing on the support of humanity through provision of services to the poor and marginalized. Helping the disadvantaged has always been of upmost importance to Benjamin, and he finds his work at SHI to be very fulfilling in regard to service. He is also an active member of the United Methodist Church of Ghana and enjoys daydreaming and watching movies in his free time.

Country Director

George Saforo

George earned his Bachelor’s from the University of Cape Coast and received a Master’s of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation from the University of Cape Coast. He has worked for over 10 years in various roles in the cocoa production value chain with companies such as Olam Ghana Limited and Agroecom Ghana Limited. He has also been involved in managing cocoa sustainability and certification projects with the nonprofit Source Trust in Ghana and Nigeria. Since 2017, he has been involved in the cereal and legume value chain by supporting and training farmers and traders. George joined the Self-Help International team in 2020 as the Programs Coordinator. He is a farmer and passionate about the environmental and sustainability issues facing rural communities and agricultural value chains.

Program Coordinator, Ashanti Region

Banye Mumuni Ali

Banye Mumuni Ali is a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana. Before joining Self-Help International in 2019, he was a part-time lecturer at the College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast Wa Campus. Within this same period, he also provided consultancy accounting services to Agriaccess Ghana Limited, a tropical agriculture organization involved in research and cultivation of drought resistance varieties of sorghum in the three Northern regions of Ghana in Wa in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Prior to that, he worked as the Municipal Coordinator of Local Enterprises and Skill Development Programme in the Wa Municipality of the Upper West Region. Banye Mumuni Ali also holds a Diploma in Marketing and Diploma in Accounting from Sunyani Polytechnic.

Accounts Officer

Grace Marfo

Grace joined SHI in July 2019, bringing her passion for youth empowerment programs, especially among young women and girls, to the Teen Girls Club. Prior to joining Self-Help, Grace volunteered with a small nonprofit organization for five years where she ran after school programs in senior high schools, helping young boys and girls  to become future leaders and agents of social change. She has also been involved with radio discussions on “HeForShe” and campaigns about boys and men for positive change in Ghana which was sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund. Grace earned her bachelor’s degree in Development Education from the University for Development Studies in Tamale, Ghana. In her free time, she enjoys reading and watching movies.

Teen Girls Club Program Officer

Bridget Gyamfi

Teen Girls Club Program Officer

Lydia Adomako

Lydia joined Self-Help International in July 2019. Lydia is an MPhil holder, and she is currently pursuing her PHD in Sociology with an emphasis on environment, gender, and development. As a community liaison and gender mainstreaming officer, she has more than eleven years of practical experience in coaching and empowering young women in various areas, from human rights-related issues to economic empowerment. As an adept researcher, Lydia is looking forward to bringing her expertise in women’s economic empowerment to Self-Help International, helping in whatever capacity to fulfill the mission and to help people help themselves.

Community Liaison & Gender Mainstreaming Officer

Florence Boamah

Florence Boamah Joined Self- Help International team as a Microcredit Program Officer in February 2022. She has a Bachelors Degree in Integrated Management Studies from the University for Development Studies Wa, Ghana. As a Customer Service Executive at Ison BPO MTN Ghana Tema, she was responsible for providing support and helping customers solve their daily problems. She served as a Loan Officer for Double Dream where she was responsible for all financial transactions and report writing. Ms. Florence has been practicing her profession for four years. Growing up she loved coaching women at church and in the community on the need to work hard and raise good citizens for their communities and country as a whole. She is committed to Self-Help’s mission to alleviate hunger and poverty in the rural Ghanaian communities. She likes reading and listening to music in her free time.

Micro-Credit Program Officer

Christopher Doe

Christopher joined Self-Help International in 2020 as a national service person for the Empowering Women and Girls Micro Credit Program. He later became a support staff for the Micro Credit team in October 2021. He holds a Diploma in General Agriculture from the University of Cape Coast’s School of Agriculture – Kwadaso College of Agriculture in Kumasi, Ghana.
Chris has contributed greatly to the organization’s efforts at alleviating hunger by ensuring effective and efficient credit management and internal control systems. Prior to joining SHI, Chris had the opportunity to work as a field officer with Food Logistics and Agric Support Center, Ejisu Juaben- Kumasi.
Consequently, he looks forward to bringing his expertise in Information Technology and Agriculture to the program to ensure effective and efficient credit management, He also hopes to assist rural families with modern agricultural practices to help them to improve upon their crop yield and thus help to alleviate hunger among the rural communities.
Chris loves writing and listening to music in his free time.

Micro-Credit Program Assistant

Matilda Amanor

Matilda Amanor joined the Self-Help international team as the Promoting Good Nutrition Program Officer in February 2022. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Nutrition from the University of Development Studies Tamale, Ghana. Prior to joining Self-Help, Matilda worked for almost 1 year with Linking Up Initiative as the Assistant Project Manager coordinating activities in the Project site in the three municipalities (Lower, Upper and Yilo Krobo Municipalities). She served as a Research Assistant examining the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on maternal health and infant and young child feeding practices. As a Personal Assistant to Queen Elizabeth scholar’s programs, she was responsible for financial report writing and assisting in with all program activities for the period of the activity. Ms. Matilda has four years of practicing Nutrition especially in Ghana. Growing the health of people is her priority and educating people on healthy living. She is committed to Self-Help’s mission to alleviate hunger and poverty in the rural Ghanaian communities. She likes reading and listening to music in her free time.

Promoting Good Nutrition Program Officer

Christiana Odeh-Agbozo

Christiana joined Self-Help International in February 2022 as an intern to the Promoting Good Nutrition Team to support the Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children Program. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health Nutrition from the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ho, Ghana. Christie gathered experience working on some programs in the field of human nutrition; unbalanced nutrition and nutritional deficiencies especially in the area of young girls, maternal and child health in the Volta and Oti Regions. She also had the opportunity to serve at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital (Pampaso Children’s Hospital) in Kumasi, treating and caring for Severe Acute Malnourished Infants and pregnant women at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center. She has great interest in food production, such as converting raw herbs into powdered herbs for marketing. She loves music, sings and enjoys sewing during her free time.

Promoting Good Nutrition Assistant Program Officer

Justice Amoka Sam

Justice completed school with a Higher National Diploma in General Agriculture at Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture (KITA) in Kumasi, Ghana. He was employed as the Projects Manager at the Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture, where he led planning and supervising all student related projects. Justice is also an entrepreneur who makes low cost gardens for families and educational institutions, making sure people eat and learn about what they grow. He offers gardening lessons, vegetable supplies, honey, and mushrooms to a niche of organic consumers. He is a promoter of gardening and eating what you grow and develops garden structure modules for families and institutions. He has great interest in testing new innovations and sharing the results with other farmers. Family food security is one area he focuses on and cares about deeply. Justice enjoys being around all things agriculture related and spending time with his family.

Community Crop and Livestock Specialist

Dominic Boakye

Dominic loves working with agriculture and teaching new practices to improve the lives of farmers in rural Ghana. He enjoys football and listening to the games while he works in the fields and test plots. Dominic is never found without a smile and his radio!

Training Center Caretaker

Richard Opoku (Kwame)

Richard Opoku has been a dedicated logistics officer at Self-Help International Ghana since June 1, 2014, with a passion for supporting the less privileged. Richard’s commitment to making a positive impact in his community through volunteering and community development initiatives reflects his values and dedication to empowering marginalized communities.

Logistics Officer

Castro Acheampong

Castro Acheampong, who joined Self-Help on February 1, 2021 is dedicated to supporting all of the organization’s projects. His commitment to making a positive impact is evident through his contributions to furthering the mission of Self-Help International Ghana.

Logistics Officer

Evans Appiah

Evans Appiah joined Self-Help as a logistics officer on April 13th, 2023. Evans finds great fulfillment in his work, as he is able to directly impact the lives of others in a positive way by efficiently managing the logistics of Self-Help’s operations.

Logistics Officer

Benjamin Antwi

Training Center Security

Constantine Nanguo

Constantine Zomanaa Nanguo has over eight years combined experience in project management, administration and development planning. He obtained his BA degree in Political Science with Philosophy from the University of Ghana, and an MSc in Development Policy and Planning from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He also holds a certificate in Project Cycle Management from the Institute of Social, Statistical and Economic Research, University of Ghana. He has worked in various capacities as District Director of National Health Insurance Authority in the Jirapa/Lambussie District; Programme Manager for Youth Alive, a child centered NGO, in the Upper West Region of Ghana; and a Project Officer with the Upper West Regional Planning and Coordinating Unit where he had experience in monitoring and evaluating activities and programs of District Assemblies in the Region.

He also consulted on freelance basis on research projects, medium term development planning for MMDAs, and strategic planning. Constantine also has interest in dry season irrigation farming where he grows watermelon, pepper and other vegetables.

Program Coordinator, Upper West Region

Edna Baloo

Edna joined the Self Help International Team in February 2022. She earned a BSc. in Planning from University from Development Studies, Wa-Ghana. She is currently pursuing a MPhil Monitoring and Evaluation at the University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa. She is a researcher and believes in participatory team work.

Programs Officer, Upper West Region

Lawrence Zongo

Lawrence joined the Self Help International Team in March 2023. He earned a certificate in General Agriculture from Agricultural College, Damongo – Ghana. Lawrence is passionate about resilience against climate change and Interested in testing new technology in agriculture. He enjoys being around all thing’s agriculture related and believes in team work.

Programs Officer, Upper West Region

Frederick Baamob Duubik

Frederick was raised on a farm in the Bono East region of Ghana. He has passion for farming and has many years of experience working as a farmer, selling agricultural inputs and training farmers. He is currently pursuing an MPhil in crop science with emphasis on plant pathology.
As a former regional sales manager and a supervisor, he has experience working with and managing people with diverse backgrounds.

Training Centre Manager

Ernest Tornu Eyiri

Ernest holds an Executive Certificate in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and a first degree in Development Planning. He has over six years work experience. He has experience setting up an M&E systems. He is also experienced in designing data collection tools, data collection and analysis. He has experience living and working in the Upper West region and he speaks two of the dominant languages, Dagaare and Waali.

Program Coordinator for Strategy, Design & Evaluation

Ernestina Esinam Glikpo

Ernestina holds a first degree in Communications Studies and a master’s degree in Public Relations. She has over six years of work experience. Ernestina is a results-oriented public relations specialist adept at creating compelling narratives to boost brand visibility and shape positive public perception. Her track record includes successfully executing PR campaigns that secured extensive media coverage, contributing to the enhancement of organizational reputation. With a deep understanding of industry trends and a commitment to building meaningful connections, she strives to deliver communication strategies that resonate and foster positive engagement.

Communications Manager

Obed Ghartey

Obed Ghartey joined Self-Help International in September 2022 as support staff and now serves as the Teen Girls Program Officer. Passionate about youth development, he empowers adolescent girls through education, mentorship, and life skills training, helping them build brighter futures.

Teen Girls Program Officer

Emmaculate Etaah

Emmaculate joined Self-Help International in July 2021 as a support staff for the AED and Microcredit programs. Now as an AED Programs Officer, she is dedicated to empowering farmers and entrepreneurs with the skills and support needed for sustainable livelihoods.

AED Programs Officer, UW

Isaac Yakubu Mwiningbong

Isaac joined Self-Help International in February 2024 as the Logistics Officer for the Upper West Region. He oversees transportation, procurement, and resource distribution to support program activities, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Logistics Officer, UW

Sumaila Yusif

Yusif joined Self-Help International in April 2023 as AED support staff and now serves as the Community Crop and Livestock Specialist. He trains and supports farmers in improved crop and livestock management, helping boost productivity and livelihoods in rural communities.

Community Crop and Livestock Specialist
207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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