Evading the Attack by Fall Armyworm

Evading the Attack by Fall Armyworm

“I am scared to death about fall armyworm,” Dr. Pedro Sanchez said in the opening day of the World Food...

Taking it to the Farmer: Applying Skills Learned

Taking it to the Farmer: Applying Skills Learned

Skills Learned and Implemented in the Field The Fred Strohbehn Training Center has had been quite busy the past few...

2016 Self-Help International Impact Report

2016 Self-Help International Impact Report

Our latest annual report is now available – call or email the office to request a printed copy, or click the...

Educating Nicaragua’s Farm Families

Educating Nicaragua’s Farm Families

When we welcome guests to our training sessions, we always share the idea that insanity is doing the same thing...

Abdullai and Fatia’s Journey to a Better Life

Abdullai and Fatia’s Journey to a Better Life

Abdullai and his wife, Fatia, are a young couple who have faced struggles well beyond their years. The couple started...

A New Chapter for Ama Badu

A New Chapter for Ama Badu

We are often asked how we decide which communities to serve. In Ghana, we intentionally focus on rural communities within a 25-mile radius...

Demonstration Plots Improve Child Nutrition

Demonstration Plots Improve Child Nutrition

Four months ago, I packed my bags and flew to Ghana, West Africa to work with farmers to help them...

Young Nicaraguan Poultry Producers Prove the Value of Quality Protein Maize

Young Nicaraguan Poultry Producers Prove the Value of Quality Protein Maize

Over the past few months, we’ve been working with sixteen area farm families and their children to demonstrate the nutritional...

Nkontomire named the District’s Best School in Agriculture at National Farmers Day

Nkontomire named the District’s Best School in Agriculture at National Farmers Day

At Self-Help, we take an integrated approach to rural development. If we wish to improve nutrition for our people, we...

Holiday Newsletter

Holiday Newsletter

Read all the latest news including: the launch of the new Teen Girls Club in Ghana meet Jering, a teenaged...

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