Days for Girls

Menstruation Shouldn’t Be Stigmatized or Be a Barrier to Success

November 21, 2021
By Bridget Gyamfi – National Builder’s Corps (NABCO) Member Menstruation is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena in a per...

Sarah rises to the challenge to confront COVID-19

May 28, 2020
This originally appeared in the Bremer County Independent on May 26, 2020. Reposted here with permission from the editor. View a scan of the...

Chief Marvels at Transformation of Teen Girls Club

June 19, 2017
Since officially launching the Teen Girls Club in September 2016, the 150 teen girls we serve have been receiving reproductive health guidan...

Wow! You’re Amazing!

March 24, 2017
In just the last two weeks, you’ve empowered 70 girls in Ghana to stay in school and escape the cycle of poverty through the GlobalGiv...

Why Invest in Teen Girls?

March 14, 2017
Who is the most important woman in your life? Your mother? Your grandmother? Your daughter? Your sister? Your spouse? What if she had never ...

Creating enterprises, ensuring sustainability

March 6, 2017
At Self-Help, we’re all about helping people help themselves. So after we heard from the girls that they definitely liked the Days for Girls...

Timeabu Teens: When we got our periods, we used to go hungry

March 1, 2017
“Having the Days for Girls kits saves us money,” Mariatu said. “Yes,” Windolina chimed in, “I used to have to ...

The Skit

October 4, 2016
At the end of September, the Teen Girls Club was officially inaugurated in the village of Bedaabour, Ghana.  It was a tremendous celebration...

Entire Village Gathers to Inaugurate Teen Girls Clubs

September 30, 2016
September 23, 2016 was a truly special day. After months of organizing girls, listening to their needs and challenges, and designing a progr...

Is it safe to eat eggs when you have your period?

September 27, 2016
That was one of the genuine questions asked during the women’s health training session we held in Timeabu last week: “Is it safe...

Got your period? No more school for you.

August 27, 2016
In September 2015, Self-Help International hosted our first ever Leadership Summit to celebrate the strongest leaders in our women’s m...
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