Petronila is 43-years-old. She is from Carazo, but around 20 years ago she moved to Melchorita, where she lives near...
Akosua is the leader of a small micro-credit group of four women. But, the size of her group does not adversely influence...
In January 2013, I visited the Young Adult Training Center, and was very impressed with its progress. Furnishings are coming...
Sarah is a 37-year-old mother of four children, three of whom are in school. She is married to Daniel. Sarah...
Beposo is a farming community in rural Ghana. It has no electricity but thankfully has a borehole for water. In...
Afia, a 22 year-old single mother, did not know how she was going to support herself and her new “bouncy”...
Akua Erica, 37 and a mother of three, became a beneficiary of Self-Help’s Ghana Micro Credit program in 2009. She was...
Five years ago Sarah started sewing clothing to sell through a Self-Help loan. She is a good seamstress and very...
February 2010 Merry Fredrick, Self-Help’s Executive Director, just returned from her bi-annual trip to Ghana. She tries to visit each...