Promoting Good Nutrition

Wishing Dr. Mary Jane Oakland a Happy Birthday!

February 28, 2024
A Message from the Rev. Dr. Mary Jane Oakland:  It’s now been six years since Benjamin Kusi, SHI Ghana Country Director, asked me a qu...

Quality Protein Maize: Implementing lessons learned from World Food Prize Laureates

October 27, 2023
Quality Protein Maize By Bernice Agyekwena, SHI Ghana Communications Manager Maize remains an important staple in the diet of Ghanaians and ...

Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes: Implementing lessons learned from World Food Prize Laureates

October 27, 2023
Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes By Bernice Agyekwena, SHI Ghana Communications Manager In the year 2016, Maria Andrade, Robert Mwanga, and Jan...

83 School Children Now Have Breakfast at School

October 16, 2023
Eighty-three children at the Seseko District Assembly Kindergarten and Primary School in the Ashanti Region of Ghana now have access to porr...
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