Self-Help Participates in Ghana Farmers Day

March 17, 2023
Self-Help International’s Agricultural Entrepreneurial Development (AED) program showcased its innovations in agriculture to farmers and oth...

Implementing New Field Techniques in Nicaragua

January 23, 2023
Mario Eugenio Hernández is from the community of El Tamboral Sur, a municipality of San Miguelito, and is currently the leader of 17 farmers...

End of the Year Countdown

November 10, 2022
It’s time to think about year end giving and Self-Help International just released this special newsletter. Please consider donating t...

2021 Impact Report Released

May 24, 2022
Self-Help International recently released a special report that outlines the impact the organization made in 2021. Through testimonials, pro...

Spring Gala Planned for April 1

February 15, 2022
There’s still time to RSVP to Self-Help’s annual Spring Gala, back in person after a two year hiatus. Mix and mingle with fellow...
207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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Self-Help International, a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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