A Thank You from SHI to Wartburg College

July 24, 2018

Dr. Darrel Colson
Wartburg College
Waverly, Iowa 50677

Dear Dr. Colson,

We, who work or volunteer for Self Help International, are deeply grateful to Wartburg College for many years of support. You have provided space on very generous terms for our staff and board to carry out Self Help’s mission to alleviate hunger across the world. Wartburg has also been an excellent source of talented interns who helped our staff as the students gained experience working for an international organization.

We have been pleased to cooperate with Wartburg in other productive ways.

Working with your outstanding Community Builders program is a great example of how we have achieved our missions together. It has also been the privilege of Self Help’s Nicaragua Staff to host Wartburg’s May Term students in Wartburg’s effort to provide global education opportunities.

On behalf of Self Help’s board, staff and volunteers, thank you and all associated with Wartburg College for allowing Self Help to have a home on campus with a welcoming and collaborative spirit.

As Self Help establishes a new home and office at the Willow Lawn Mall in Waverly, we will remember our years of residence at Wartburg as a time of growth and successful achievement of mission. We appreciate everything that you have done to help make that happen, and look forward to continuing to host student interns and collaborating with Community Builders for years to come.

Fran Mueller
Self-Help Board

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