Saudatu poses in her newly stocked store
In Beposo, Ghana, a woman stands beaming in front of her newly built, brightly painted provisions store, the shelves fully stocked and doors wide open. She is a Madam Saudatu Aziz, a 43-year-old beneficiary of the micro-credit program and a mother of six. Married to a 64-year-old farmer, she spent many years trading in rice, but her sales were poor and her family was barely able to make ends meet. It had been her dream to run a provision store. She sought assistance from the micro credit program to realize that dream. Madam Saudatu has now been part of the micro-credit program for close to four years.
With the help of micro-loans, she purchased building materials, built a shop, and stocked it. Today, she runs her provision business alongside her rice business. She is excited because she can afford to assist her children through their education.
With joy she tells the micro-credit team, “Without the support of Self-Help International micro-loans my provisions store could not become reality. Today, people from my village no longer have to wait a whole week to travel 12 kilometers to buy groceries from Nkawie, they buy as and when they have money. I am happy and everyone is happy!”
Saudatu’s store during construction
She is grateful to Self Help International and its donors across the globe who have helped make the micro credit program successful and beneficial.
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Expanding Training & Micro-Loans to New Communities Thanks to YOU! – Self-Help International says:
[…] made a tremendous difference to hundreds of families! We’ve shared the progress made by Madam Saudatu, Madam Felicia, and Madam Sandra, so we’d like to take the opportunity to step back and […]