By Patience Obour – Promoting Good Nutrition Program Officer
Akosua and her baby.
Patience Obour, Self-Help International’s Nutrition Program Officer and Nutrition Team Lead, sat down with Akosua in February 2021 to hear about her experience in the Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children (GHFGHC) program in Beposo, Ghana. The GHFGHC program works with new and expectant mothers on proper nutrition for themselves and their babies.
“My name is Akosua, I am 16 years old, and I am a mother. I became pregnant in my final year of Junior High School.
When I realized I was pregnant, I knew I needed to go for prenatal care but I was afraid because of what I had heard from other teenage mothers in the community. The other mothers said that when they went for prenatal care, the nurses mistreated them because they were teenagers.
I decided to enroll in the GHFGHC program in Beposo because of what I had heard from other mothers about Self-Help’s nutrition team. I heard that they were doing marvelous work for both expectant and lactating mothers in the community. I also had the opportunity to hear Self-Help’s team educating another pregnant woman on what type of food to eat during pregnancy.
I was a little reluctant to join the program because I am a teenager and I thought I was joining a program for grown-ups, but I decided to be bold and join.
During one of the program’s meeting days, I went to the team and told them that I was interested in joining the program. The team asked me about my prenatal record card, which I didn’t have. I told the team about my fears to attend a prenatal exam, and they explained to me the pros and cons of not attending getting checked.
I changed my mind and decided to attend my prenatal exam, and I am so glad I listened to Self-Help’s advice – I got to learn more about the health of my unborn baby, and I was treated so well by the nurses even though I am a teenager.
I am thankful for the Self-Help team and the nutritional supplement they provide (high-protein porridge and eggs). This supplement was lifesaving for me every morning before my baby was born, and it is now lifesaving for both my child and I. I know the supplement helped me give birth to a healthy baby.”
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