
2018 Ingathering Bulletin Inserts

September 4, 2018

Click to view and download a PDF of the bulletin inserts!

A Thank You from SHI to Wartburg College

July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018 Dr. Darrel ColsonWartburg CollegeWaverly, Iowa 50677 Dear Dr. Colson, We, who work or volunteer for Self Help International, a...

An Update from Nicaragua

July 20, 2018
Many of you have been following the news of ongoing political protests in Nicaragua and expressed concern for our staff and those we serve i...

2017 Impact Report

July 3, 2018
Our 2017 Impact Report is here! Click to open the report and read about the amazing work we were able to do in 2017, all thanks to your supp...

Donna Dravis Receives Governor’s Volunteer Award for Service to Self-Help

July 2, 2018
Donna Dravis of Waverly received a Governor’s Volunteer Award from Governor Kim Reynolds during a special recognition ceremony held June 21 ...

Remembering Fred Strohbehn

April 10, 2018
By Bert Schou, Self-Help International Board of Directors Fred Strohbehn was a farmer, a man of faith, and a philanthropist who undoubtedly ...

Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children

March 14, 2018
1 in 4 Children Self-Help International has been instrumental in starting feeding programs in primary schools in rural villages in the Ashan...

Win two tickets to see Hamilton in Des Moines this summer!

February 22, 2018
Win two tickets to see Hamilton: An American Musical, winner of 11 Tony Awards, at the Des Moines Civic Center on Friday, July 13, 2018 at 7...

Joseph’s Business is Multiplying Like Rabbits!

January 9, 2018
Joseph is a 44-year-old man from the community of Bampenase, in the Ashanti region of Ghana. He is a teacher and serves as a headmaster of T...

One Less Worry for Charity

December 19, 2017
“Meeting Self-Help has brought something big to my family. It has really taught me the value of useful advice; help comes in many ways apart...

Learning to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin

December 19, 2017
As part of our ongoing training and advising, as well as micro-loan disbursement and collection, SHI micro-credit officers Yolanda and Arace...
207 20th St. NW Ste. A Waverly, IA 50677
3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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Self-Help International, a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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