June 2010
Self-Help is working hard with the Ministry of Family to see that these youngsters have a chance for a better life through better nutrition. Currently they attend pre-school twice a week. The children’s schools are a private house and a 10 x14 foot wooden building that has no windows. We are making steady improvements in their diets by providing porridge made from quality protein maize when they meet twice each week. Common signs of malnourishment – glassy eyes and lethargy – are dissipating, but there is still more to do. We want to be able to feed them five days each week for even better results.
Our next step is to build a sturdy, simple structure that they can use five days a week specifically for pre-school. This effort will then allow us to provide porridge for them five days a week instead of only two. The building will cost $3,200, and we are on our way to working with the community who will help with the construction.
Thank you for supporting our effort to alleviate malnutrition. We are making a difference because of your gifts!
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