Sarah Barnie’s Sewing Story


Sarah with newer sewing machine

Five years ago Sarah started sewing clothing to sell through a Self-Help loan. She is a good seamstress and very hardworking, but always lacked the financial support to expand her business. Thanks to loans from people like you Sarah purchased a newer sewing machine, expanded her sewing shop, and started hiring young apprentices to learn the sewing trade.


Sarah’s neat and tidy shop

Today, she has a neat and tidy shop with four apprentices working with her. She has a coal iron to press the material, and has recently purchased a knitting machine for the business. She has come a long way in a mere 5 years. During the Executive Director visit in July, she expressed ‘thanks’ to the US citizens for their support. Not only is her business expanding but she is able to take better care of her children and pay school and medical fees.


Recently purchased knitting machine

Thinking ahead, Sarah’s goal is to have electricity in her shop so that she can work evenings and during the holiday seasons.

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    3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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