Fran Mueller Receives Iowa Master Farmer Homemaker Award

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Congratulations to Self-Help International Board Member Fran Mueller, a recipient of the 2018 Iowa Master Farm Homemaker Award!

Each year Wallaces Farmer magazine honors four outstanding farm women by presenting them the Iowa Master Farm Homemaker Award. 
The Iowa MFH award recognizes farm women for their work and success in caring for their family, their farm and home, and for their service in their local community. 

The award will be presented to Fran later today, September 12, 2018, at the Iowa MFH annual meeting.
A copy of the article about Fran was published in this month’s issue of Wallaces Farmer Magazine and is available online at:

During her 23 years of service on the Self-Help board, including 12 years as chair, Fran helped guide the development of staff, expansion of community involvement, and the organization’s work to develop improved seed and farming methods for farmers in Nicaragua and Ghana.
“Fran is a leader in all that she does and makes better every group she interacts with by sharing her time and talent,” says Nora Tobin, executive director of Self-Help.

Rod Swoboda, Wallace’s Farmer Magazine
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