This holiday season, your gift is more crucial than ever. Year on year inflation rates in Ghana have skyrocketed to 37.2% as of September, and are continuing to rise. Inflation is hitting women entrepreneurs especially hard. Self-Help’s micro-loan revolving fund is operating at maximum capacity, and while we’re on track with the projected loans issued this year, the amount of the loan buys only a fraction of what it would have at the start of the year. Self-Help needs to increase the amount of funding available to entrepreneurs so that the loans issued have greater buying power to combat the impact of inflation on farmers and small business owners.
Farmers worldwide are facing high input costs, storage issues and weather adversity. Self-Help’s partnerships make a difference to people weathering economic uncertainty by offering community leaders in Nicaragua and Ghana the resources and knowledge they need to make lasting and sustainable changes in their communities.
Support from YOU makes those partnerships possible. As an incentive, the Self-Help Board of Directors and key partners are offering a 50% match to your gift to Self-Help in November, up to $45,000*.
Please make a difference in lives of rural families and communities by supporting Self-Help International.
Give by check: Mail a check made out to Self-Help International to:
207 20th Ave NW, Suite A, Waverly, IA 50677.
Give online at:
Give by credit card, PayPal or Venmo: Call us at 319-352-4040
Give now until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving on Nov. 29 for a 50% match! Self-Help International’s Board of Directors and key partners are offering a 50% match, up to $45,000, on all gifts made. Gifts will be matched until 11:59 PM on 11/29/2022 or until matching funds run out, whichever comes first. Mailed gifts must be postmarked by 11/29/2022. Click here to donate
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