Razak with daughter Faustina
Last July, we reported to you that in rural Ghana, quite a number of children spend time idle at home or with their parents on their farms rather than in school. The importance of formal education had not dawned on most parents within Beposo community in the Atwima Mponua District despite the nationwide push for primary education. Now, six months later, we are finally seeing a shift in that attitude among parents in Beposo.
On February 9, I visited Beposo along with our school feeding program officers to talk with the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) about how things are going in the community, and what their goals are for their children’s education. The strong turnout of parents at the midday meeting demonstrated their commitment to their children’s education, and what they shared was even more encouraging.
The PTA discusses school feeding program
Razak is a farmer whose daughter Faustina is in the same class as Agnes and Akwasi. He shared that the school feeding program has been great for his family because it gives him peace of mind knowing his daughter will get breakfast, even if he has to go out to the farm before feeding the kids.
“Since the feeding program was introduced, I feel much more at ease any time I leave the house for work because I know my daughter is in school and is being taken care of by the teachers and is being fed well,” said Razak. “I feel at ease and feel relaxed with my work, and I appreciate the fact that the feeding program is here. I am very grateful.”
Parents share the impact the program has had on their children
Razak’s story was not unique. Many of the parents spoke up to say that the school feeding program makes life a little easier and lessens their worries. Fathers like Razak set out for the farm early in the morning before children are up and about so they can get work done before the heat of the day gets unbearable and they have to take midday breaks. Mothers also have to leave very early in the morning to walk to other rural communities to sell their wares as petty traders or to take their produce to the local market on market day. Staying home to provide breakfast for children and see them off to school before going to work means missing income-generating opportunities that are critical to putting food on the table. Even in the dry season when food is more scarce, they know their children will eat breakfast.
Thank you for your support, which is easing the burden on hardworking mothers and fathers who want what we all want: what’s best for their children. When you give a gift to support the school feeding program, you ensure that a child like Faustina gets the breakfast that she wouldn’t otherwise eat, ensuring that she starts the day well fed and ready to learn.
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