Local Students Visit Training Center

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Junior high students visit training center

In March, students and staff from Toase Roman Catholic Junior High School paid a two-day educational visit to the Frances Mueller and Virginia Lageschulte Young People’s Training Center in Ghana.

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Justice, center manager, speaks to students.

SHI Training Center Manager, Justice, explained projects and training programs to visiting students. They learned about the mushroom growing program including the development of compost for mushrooms. Students also learned about the production, care and management of snails, rabbits, grass cutters and poultry.

In all 35 students (17 females and 18 males) and three teachers (two males and one female) visited the center.

Your generous support provides new educational experiences and training for current and future students from Toase Junior High School and other schools like it. Thank you for your donation.

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Students learn about composting

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