By Ernestina Esinam Glikpo, Communications Manager, Self-Help International
Born in March 2005 in the quaint community of Nyame Bekyere, in the Western North Region of Ghana, Akosah, the youngest child among five siblings, lost her mother to an illness at the age of four. Her maternal grandmother in Kubease, in the Ejisu Municipality, adopted and cared for her from age five until she grew up.Though her father was alive, he never bothered to look for her.
Akosah stands with her school belongings, provided by SHI.
As her grandmother’s health declined, Akosah assumed the role of caretaker, halting her education to tend to her needs. It was her elder sister who offered a lifeline, enabling Akosah to pursue her studies at Bedabour, a beneficiary community of the SHI-sponsored Teen Girls Club (TGC), providing educational support, reproductive health education, and skills training.
Through the TGC, Akosah learned the art of resource mobilization, leveraging her efforts in tasks like firewood and water fetching for people at a fee. On weekends and holidays, she works on cocoa and vegetable farms to sustain herself and purchase basic needs such as underwear, sanitary pads, books, pens, and school uniforms since her elder sister, who is a rice farmer, had her challenges and couldn’t provide for herself and her children.
Going through junior high school was challenging, yet Akosah remained resolute in her dream to complete her basic education and acquire a trade. This notwithstanding, she was very studious, hardworking, and attentive in class. Her hard work bore fruit, which was evident in her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE). Her results were among the best in her school.
She gained admission to Mpasatia Senior High School, which is nine kilometers from Bedabour, as a non-residential student. The hurdle of commuting 18 kilometers daily without provision for transportation loomed large until SHI intervened, advocating for her residential status and alleviating the burden of transportation.
Though Senior High School education in Ghana is free, there are several items, including suitcases, uniforms, toiletries, and shoes guardians have to buy for their wards. Akosah needed $228.87 to buy these items. Thanks to your unwavering support, SHI has been able to pay this bill, paving the way for Akosah’s enrollment. Currently pursuing Home Economics, Akosah aspires to establish her fashion shop, imparting her skills to empower young girls in their journey towards self-sufficiency.
Akosah with a member of her support system.
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