Micro-Loans Change Lives of Women in Ghana and Nicaragua

Empowered women empower women

Self-Help has been devoted to alleviating hunger in Ghana and Nicaragua, and for the past three decades, this has meant implementing sustainable development programs in rural villages.

Part of the approach to alleviating hunger is the implementation of programs whose main focus is empowering women and girls. 

Why is empowering women important?

Since the implementation of these programs, at least 500 females have pulled themselves out of poverty by becoming successful entrepreneurs. That’s 500 females who have once struggled, but are now sources of inspiration for others; women who once wished for a better future, but are now the change Self-Help is seeing in communities.

The Des Moines Business Record’s March 29th Issue ran a four-page article on Self-Help’s women empowerment programs. Current board member Jerry Perkins explains how the micro-credit and Teen Girls Club programs operate and features testimonies from the women whose lives have been transformed. 

Read the article here! http://www.pageturnpro.com/Business-Publications/89442-Business-Record-3-29-19/default.html#page/13

When women and girls rise, their communities and their countries rise with them.” – Michelle Obama 

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  1. […] is currently working on a project to educate and empower 200 Nicaraguan women through workshops and microloans. This could lead to a reduction in young women entering and […]

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