New program officer, Yolanda, grows the micro-credit program

Yolanda Training Grid7

Training in business management

In August 2013, Yolanda Fletes Rosales joined Self -Help International as the Micro-Credit Program Coordinator. She started out by meeting with 13 individual beneficiaries spread amongst three communities. Two women from Quinta Lidia, six women from Las Azucenas, and five women from Melchorita. Yolanda visits these women regularly to learn more about them, their needs and expectation from Self-Help as an organization.

She also began working to establish new groups by going door-to-door in each of the above-mentioned communities as well as new ones. She held meetings and intensive training sessions on business management, health, and nutrition. As of October 2013 there are seven new groups of women benefiting from SHI’s micro-credit program.  There is a group of 9 women in Cruz Verde, three groups of five women in Las Azucenas, a group of five women in Quinta Lidia, a group from of five women in Santa Isabel, and a group of five from El Espavel (Melchorita).

Heliadora Grid7

Heliodora Cardoza, a beneficiary, baking bread

Yolanda hopes to integrate the individual women into the groups. There are plans for two more groups in the communities of Las Azucenas and Melchoron. Her new strategy for the  program is to train women in the following topics before distributing loans: Business Management and Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Business Plans, Health, Nutrition, and Hygiene.

Your continued support will help Yolanda to continue to grow the micro-credit program and efficiently train new beneficiaries. Because of your generosity Self-Help International is able to help many women through training and loans.

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