Planning and Research Underway for New Training Center in Ghana

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Excitement is building as Self Help International staff in both, Iowa and Ghana, West Africa hammer out details for the new training center.  “There are many fine points that take time and consideration”, says Merry Fredrick, Self Help Director.  Finalizing legal paperwork, researching appropriate training materials, fine tuning our operational budget are just a few of the tasks currently underway.

In addition, many of the farmers who will be trained at the center have low reading skills or are illiterate.  Consideration must be given to the most effective training materials for this population. The staff is looking into more visual aids and hands-on learning equipment.

“Some of the expenses we are looking at right now involve instructional materials including easels, erase boards, flip charts, etc., ” says Fredrick. Other items on our wish list include:

  • Office Partitions
  • Poster Board Stands
  • Dry Erase Boards
  • Dry Erase Markers

According to Fredrick, when this facility is built, young adults will finally have an opportunity to become skilled at raising animals, bee keeping and mushroom production –  reducing the migration of young adults to the cities.  More importantly, it will train young people in practical skills enabling them to support their families and contribute to the community.

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