Showing off the new library books in Quinta Lidia!
By Susan Cornforth, SHI USA Staff
Many schools in rural Nicaragua lack a library, making it that much more difficult for students to receive a quality education. I recently visited Self-Help International’s Nicaragua offices in Quinta Lidia, and was able to bring greetings and books from the 5th grade Spanish class at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly.
The 5th grade Spanish class at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly!
The books were immediately used by children waiting for their mothers at the micro-credit training workshop we presented while there, each child who wanted one took a book home.
Students loving the new books!
A student enjoying her book
SHI Nicaragua Office Manager Lucia Vega took the remaining books to the neighboring school, where the children of many Self-Help micro-credit beneficiary women and QPM program farmers attend primary school.
The books will be used to create a library for the school that each student will be able to access. The students and teachers were quite excited to have a library of their very own!
This new connection between primary school students in Nicaragua and in Waverly brings new understanding, cultural knowledge and social connections, learning about each other and getting to know each other through letters and photos transported by Self-Help.
Muchas gracias to St. Paul’s School, Paula Letsche, and the 2016-2017 fifth grade class!
Paula Letsche
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