Chlorinator installation
Morrillo is a small community of about 200 people, located in the municipality of San Carlos on the northeast shore of Lake Nicaragua. The village is located about 34 km by road from the county seat.
In October 2012 a technical presentation and installation of a CTI-8 water chlorinator was performed, and since then, the community has disinfected drinking water, free of pathogenic microorganisms. SHI staff has paid a monthly visit to San Carlos for the last four months. Self-Help has met with members of the Water and Sanitation department, who have been trained and have trained others in the use of the CTI-8. Trained leaders and responsible staff supplied the Chlorine Tablets and have supervised the operation of the CTI-8 chlorinator with the accompaniment of the community leaders.
The people of San Carlos have benefitted greatly from this water system. They say that they are pleased with the results of the health of their families and are grateful to Self-Help International for bringing this technology to their community.
Chlorinator demonstration
The photos above and below show the exhibition and installation of the CTI-8 in the water storage tank for the population of Morrillo.
In December 2013, together with Ministry of Health, SHI conducted a course in each of the CAPS towns of San Carlos. To sample water quality well water was tested, which is the main source of supply for the community, and residual chlorine was monitored in the water storage tank and the network of household consumption. The results are:
Thank you for your kindness and support. Your help has brought clean water to San Carlos and many other communities like it.
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