Self-Help partners to provide clean water

Isla Grande FRUTAN Grid7

Chlorinator installation at Isla Grande

Christian is in charge of the hygienic and security department for the orange company FRUTAN. He recently contacted Self-Help International (SHI) to obtain information about installing CTI-8 water chlorinators at several of FRUTAN’s orange farms.

Lote FRUTAN Grid7

Chlorinator installation in Lote

Self-Help International staff asked Mr. Gonzalez how he had heard about this program and he answered that he was from northern Nicaragua where there are also CTI-8 water chlorinators installed. He also said his former employer installed the chlorinators and he considers them one of the best as CTI-8 chlorinators are easy to acquire and manage.

When Christian came to work in southeast Nicaragua he found out that the water FRUTAN employees were drinking was untreated. He asked the general manager about the poor water quality and the manager said he didn’t have any idea where to get the proper treatment for the water or where to go since their location is so far away from the city. Christian told the manager about Self-Help International and the CTI-8 water

Melchor FRUTAN Grid7

Chlorinator installation at Melchor

chlorinators. He explained to his manager the benefits of clean water to FRUTAN and its employees including the technical training provided to manage the equipment.

Not long after, Self-Help staff met with Christian to discuss the clean water program and its mission. With the help of SHI, FRUTAN made the plan to install water chlorinators at seven different locations. By the end of November, six of the seven chlorinators will have been

San Pancho FRUTAN Grid7

Installation at San Pancho

installed bringing clean water to more than 1,500 more beneficiaries. Chlorinator locations include Lote, Melchora, Garita, Palo de Arco, and two in Isla Grande.

It is important that we work together to help provide clean water to the people of Nicaragua. Your generous donation has contributed to the installation of 40 total chlorinators providing clean water for more than 33,000 people. In addition, your support allows companies that care about their employees, like FRUTAN, to collaborate with Self-Help and ensure its employees have clean drinking water.

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