By Ernestina Esinam Glikpo | Communications Manager
If ever Monica needed a change to support her family, it was in the season of no rain in the Dantie community, where farming is the primary livelihood. Her husband is a farmer, and she is a food vendor. In the rainy season, the family rely on their farm’s harvest, but the dry season brought harsh realities. With the fields lying fallow, her husband’s farming activities halted, and her food vending business struggled. Monica’s limited capital barely allowed her to buy enough shea nuts and beans to prepare her bean cake (Koose, as called in Dagbani) in substantial quantities.
All she wanted was to generate enough income to support her family now that the farming window had closed. Her business couldn’t fetch them enough money for their family upkeep. However, when a staff of Self-Help International (SHI) visited the community to educate them and introduce them to SHI programs, everything changed. Monica, upon hearing all these, became interested and enrolled in SHI’s microcredit scheme.
Monica received a microcredit loan from Self-Help International. With the additional capital, she could now purchase shea nuts and beans in bulk, allowing her to make and sell koose on a much larger scale.
She shares, “with the profit made, I have been able to expand my business, repay my loan, and also save GHS 60.00 ($3.9) every week. Over time, my savings grew, and I accumulated over GHS 680.00 ($44.1).” This financial stability was something Monica had never experienced before. With her increased income and savings, Monica began supporting her family in ways she had always dreamt of. She supports her family with more groceries and toiletries, and also pays her children’s school fees.
Monica making the bean cakes to sell.
Monica’s story highlights the transformative impact of SHI’s microcredit program. By providing small loans, SHI empowers entrepreneurs like Monica to grow their businesses, increase their incomes, and improve the lives of their families and communities. Thank you for your continued support in transforming lives.
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