Finally! Safe drinking water for school children in Marlon Zelaya!

Finally! Safe drinking water for school children in Marlon Zelaya!

Marlon Zelaya is a rural community of about 600 people living outside of El Castillo in the southern state of Rio...

Holiday Newsletter

Holiday Newsletter

Read all the latest news including: the launch of the new Teen Girls Club in Ghana meet Jering, a teenaged...

Clean Water Saves on Healthcare Costs for Rural Nicaraguans

Mexico is a rural community, considered a semi-urban settlement by the city hall of the municipality of San Carlos, located...

Leadership in Action at the Fred Strohbehn Training Center

Leadership in Action at the Fred Strohbehn Training Center

Since its construction four years ago, the Fred Strohbehn Training Center has hosted a great number of leaders from several...

Clean Water – Not Just a Drop in the Bucket

Clean Water – Not Just a Drop in the Bucket

Thanks to your support, we were able to install the 88th water chlorination system in southern Nicaragua, bringing clean, safe...

23 Communities Gather to Discuss Clean Water

23 Communities Gather to Discuss Clean Water

We love focusing on success stories, but installing clean water in rural communities is not all we do: we educate...

Summer 2016 Newsletter

Razak, a farmer from Beposo village in Ghana, shares his testimonial about how the school feeding program has improved his...

The Best Water in All of El Castillo

The Best Water in All of El Castillo

Salvador Fletes and his companion Gonzalo sit at a worn wooden table after a long day of work, relaxing in...

100 Healthier Families in Villa Álvarez

100 Healthier Families in Villa Álvarez

  Several months ago, members of the of the Villa Álvarez Clean Water Committee came together with other Clean Water...

2015 Annual Report

Thousands of people are better nourished today thanks to your support! Read about some the life-changing works you made possible...

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