Women’s Empowerment

From Petty Trader to Homeowner: Comfort’s Story

February 5, 2025
By Ernestina Esinam Glikpo | Communications Manager When Comfort lost her husband, life became a daily struggle for her and her five childre...

From Traditional to Technical Planting Method

May 4, 2023
Petronila is from the La Venada community, located about 15.53 miles from the city of San Carlos, Río San Juan. She is 43 years old and marr...

The Importance and Proper Uses of Media Platforms

April 5, 2023
Sarita, 37 years old, married, mother of two girls, Karla 7 years old, and Hazling, 11 years old, she currently lives with her whole family ...
Photo of Carla keeping record of her business

Learning Business Strategies

March 2, 2023
Carla is 50 years old, married and with two adult daughters, they live in the community called La Argentina located about 14 km away from th...

Women’s Empowerment Program Helps Maria

March 17, 2022
61-year-old María is married to José  who is 65. They are from the Nueva Jerusalem community, where Jose serves as a volunteer CAPS member (...
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