The many successes of Petronila

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Petronila is 43-years-old. She is from Carazo, but around 20 years ago she moved to Melchorita, where she lives near the primary school. Petronila has three children – one boy and two girls – all in high school. Her husband, Víctor, is a farmer and harvests corn, watermelon and beans.

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Petronila’s over before restoration

Petronila got her first loan from Self-Help International in December 2009 for $150. She used the loan to purchase the basic supplies and materials needed to bake bread. In 2012 she received a second loan of $100. She used the funds to purchase limes, corn, beans, eggs, plantain, bananas and more to sell in San Carlos every Thursday and Friday which are good business days in the city.

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Petronila Chavez Toledo

Petronila paid her loan in the same year and she was able to secure her third loan of $127. This money helped her husband purchase proper supplies used to harvest one quarter of a Manzana of watermelon. A manzana is a Central American unit of area. One Manzana equals 1.68 acres. When the crop was ready, Petronila took the watermelon to San Carlos to sell. The watermelon sales were very successful and allowed her to pay the third loan almost immediately.

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Petronila’s oven after restoration

In March 2013, she received her fourth loan of $130 dollars. This money was used for the restoration of her oven. See the photos of her baking bread in the oven both before and after it had been restored.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated. It helps women like Petronila grow their businesses and help to support their families. Thank you for being a part of Petronila’s story.

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