Who is the most important woman in your life?
Your mother? Your grandmother? Your daughter? Your sister? Your spouse?
What if she had never made it past the 7th grade? What if she had never received an education in spite of her best efforts, her intelligence, her good grades. Simply because she was born female.
This is the reality facing girls born in Ghana. But it doesn’t have to be. The research shows that if we can keep teen girls in school past 7th grade – past puberty – that’s a tipping point.
The Teen Girls Club that we launched last September is working to ensure that girls not only stay in school past 7th grade, but into high school, and even college. Our friends at the Girl Effect created a video to show why investing in 12 year old girls can transform generations. Watch here:
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If you’d like to transform the life of a 12 year old girl, we’d be honored to help you do just that. We’re working to secure funding to empower 150 teen girls in Ghana in partnership with GlobalGiving’s Girl Fund. Make a donation of $10 or more today to help us secure funding for the whole year! Donate here: goto.gg/26583
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