Blanca in her store
Blanca is 24-years-old. She lives in Las Azucenas and has two children; one boy, 4-year-old Heyde, and one girl, 1-year-old Kelly. Blanca’s husband, Douglas, does not have a permanent job but works in the fields upon request.
Blanca has a small store where she sells clothes and shoes. Her clients are teachers and orange field workers from El San Juan.
Self-Help International gave Blanca her first loan of $50 in May 2012. She used the money to purchase more supplies for her store and was able to pay it off at the end of August 2012. Later that month, Self-Help gave Blanca her second loan of $75. She had hoped to use this loan to buy supplies as well, but unfortunately one of her children fell ill, so she used the money to purchase the medicine for him. She finished paying her loan in February and in the same month we gave her a third loan of $100 which Blanca plans to use to purchase supplies for her store.
“I am the head of our house and I really appreciate all the support,” said Blanca Rosa of Self-Help International.
Because of your generosity, Blanca is able to earn more profit in her store and support her family. Thank you for your support of Blanca Rosa and many other women like her.
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