Classes underway at new training center

Mushroom Production Grid7

Trainees weigh sawdust for composting

The first class began at the Ghana Young Adult Training Center in March 2013 with 21 trainees who received technical and hands-on training in an effort to increase income.

The trainees learned about the care and managment of poultry. The next training session will include rabbits.

Trainees are currently digging and cementing a surface for a mushroom shed. Basic training began with Robert Arthur, mushroom specialist, to develop compost for mushrooms.

Mushroom 2 Grid7

An instructor explains the process to students

Students told the Self-Help staff that they are satisfied with the performance of the instructors and are happy to be part of the training. There is a great deal of enthusiasm about the possibilities training will offer each of them for their future.

Your support of the Ghana Training Center for Young Farmers have made these classes and opportunities possible. Thank you for your generosity.

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