Clean water in La Esperanza

CTI La Esperanza Grid7

A volunteer helps to install the water chlorinator

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013, a water chlorinator system was installed in the community of La Esperanza, about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from San Carlos.

Currently, there are about 200 households connected to the new system bringing clean water to nearly 1,000 people. Prior to the installation, Self-Help staff met with members of the community to discuss waterborne diseases and the benefits of quality drinking water. Community volunteers learned how to install and maintain the system.

CTI La Esperanza 2 Grid7

Testing the water

This simple water chlorinator system will help alleviate illnesses caused from waterborne diseases. Clean water also promotes a healthier diet and good hygiene therefore building stronger minds and bodies.

Your generosity has brought clean water to this community and others like it. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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