Rebecca in front of her new kitchen and store
In January 2013, the Executive Director and Board President of Self-Help International visited Ghana. Their quest to experience improvements in the lives of SHI micro credit program beneficiaries took them to the remote village of Kyereyaase. Rebecca, 39 and a mother of four, told them how she was able to build a structure, a joint kitchen and a shop with savings from her business. Her kitchen used to be a dilapidated bamboo structure with no roof.
On March 16, 2013 disaster struck. There was a storm and several structures in Kyereyaase were destroyed. Rebecca’s new structure was gone. The roof flew off and hit an adjacent building and another portion of the building was broken.
When Self-Help visited Rebecca 10 days later, the building was already being rebuilt, and very quickly. When Self-Help staff asked Rebecca how she was able to do this her reply was, “With support from the SHI micro loans.”
Rebecca requested to extend the repayment period of her current loan from Self-Help by one month and our staff agreed without hesitation.
Because of your generosity, Rebecca is able rebuild her beautiful new kitchen and store. Thank you for your support of Rebecca and many other women like her.
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