Akosua’s pottery
Akosua is the leader of a small micro-credit group of four women. But, the size of her group does not adversely influence their ability to be successful in various ventures including pottery making and large-scale farming. In the last eight years, Akosua has taken out 14 loans to increase her inventory of clay for her pottery business but more importantly, to pay for her seven children’s school fees.
“With the loans, I have been able to send some of my kids to learn various apprenticeship trades,” said Akosua.
With many of her kids now working or taking apprenticeships, Akosua has decided to put more resources into expanding her business.
Her goal is to purchase larger quantities of firewood and clay to produce more pottery to sell at the nearby markets. She says, “[Pottery making and selling] has more potential if well developed.”
Over the past eight years, as she has expanded her business, she has continually recognized how to further expand and stay on top of her expenses to continue earning money to pay for her children’s school fees.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated. It helps women like Akosua grow their businesses and in turn keep their children in school.
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