Ghana Training Center
In January 2013, I visited the Young Adult Training Center, and was very impressed with its progress. Furnishings are coming in for the classroom, and the first training session begins March 1. In order to get started, we need support to purchase 250 day-old broiler chicks, 250 day-old layer chicks, 10 rabbits, and three pens. We hope you can help as word is getting out to young adults about the training center!
The classroom holds room for 25 trainees, and already 37 applicants have registered to learn poultry and rabbit production. When meeting with several young adult men and women, it was exciting to see their enthusiasm that this opportunity will increase their income so they can stay on the farm!
Chicken coops
Self-Help is blessed to have six Ghana professionals volunteering time and talent to teach trainees about vaccinations, maintenance and proper care. The Self-Help staff has prepared power point presentations for each session that demonstrate details required of each animal, bird, or product. The visit to the center was very special, and the plan is to extend the fall training session to include mushrooms.
Thank you for your support, and we hope that you continue to recognize the importance of keeping young adults on the farm. Our project strives to achieve that!
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