Empower Women Luncheon Goes Virtual

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Celebrate women around the world during a virtual event on Wed., Dec. 8. at 12:00 PM CT

Register now for the Lunch to Empower Global Women and a zoom link will be sent to you with instructions on how to join the presentation. All donations are welcome for registration.

The Self-Help Lunch to Empower Global Women has been Self-Help International’s signature Central Iowa fundraising event and typically draws a sold-out crowd of 180 of Des Moines’ top professionals and recent retirees who believe in creating opportunities for people – especially women and girls – to escape the cycle of poverty. Due to the health concerns of COVID-19, the event will be held virtually this year.

We invite you to join us for the 2021 Self-Help Virtual Lunch to Empower Global Women. We encourage small groups to join together to view the live program that will feature key leaders explaining Self-Help’s mission to empower women and girls in Ghana and Nicaragua.

Click here to REGISTER TODAY

Thank you to our sponsors!

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