Virtual Lunch & Learn Set for Dec. 14

IMG 20210218 WA0024Nutrition education, agricultural development and economic empowerment converge in an innovative program set for Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. online with Dr. Mary Jane Oakland, a Self-Help International Board Member.  Grab your lunch and join Dr. Oakland for a special update and discussion about how Self-Help is supporting mothers and their children in the Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children (GHFGHC) program. GHFGHC has supported more than 200 families in Ghana to improve nutritional outcomes for children in the first 1,000 days. Through nutrition interventions and postpartum advising, Self-Help International is seeing that children are on track for healthy development and growth.

Oakland said, “In spite of all the challenges our world is facing, these women and their babies give me hope. I invite you to join me for a brief update to share the results and the impact this intervention is having. I would appreciate this opportunity to share about a program that is close to my heart that I feel is making a big impact on the lives of so many families in Ghana.”

To participate, click on this registration link. The session is free but donations are always welcome.

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