Empowering Rural Communities through Sustainable Agriculture

July Bonus Day 2024: Empowering Rural Communities through Sustainable Agriculture

Inusa before

Inusa’s poultry pen before getting involved with SHI.

By Ernestina Glikpo | Communications Manager

In the farming community of Kukuboso, Ghana, live Inusa Issah, a 50-year-old farmer, and his wife, Rabiatu.

Their story is one of determination, hard work, and support from Self Help International’s (SHI) Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Development (AED) and Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children (GHFGHC) programs. With a family of 11, they faced significant challenges, but their lives changed when Rabiatu joined the GHFGHC program.

Rabiatu received training on ‘Keeping Poultry’ through AED, aiming to start a family poultry farm. With subsidized cockerels from SHI, she bought 50 cockerels to kickstart the venture. Managing her small shop and the poultry farm became tough, and Inusa and their children stepped in to help. Their dedication paid off. With regular guidance from AED, they grew their cockerels from 50 to 741 birds in just eight months. They gathered 700 eggs, sent them to a local hatchery, and successfully hatched 700 chicks.

“The reason for keeping those birds is for the children’s nutrition and to make money. My wife educated me on the importance of eggs to the children, and I do not take that lightly. I dedicate 63 eggs to the family every week, and I can obtain an average weight of about 2.5 kg per bird and sell a chicken between GHC 150 and 200 ($14),” Inusa shared.

Inusa son

Inusa and his son with all of his chickens.

Inusa and Rabiatu motivation comes from a shared goal: to provide better nutrition for their children and generate income.

This commitment not only improves their children’s health but also boosts the family’s income. He plans to breed and sell improved chicken breeds locally, providing his neighbors access to high-quality poultry.

Empowering rural communities through sustainable agriculture aims to enhance the health and well-being of communities. With your continued support, many families like Inusa’s will expand their farms, improve their livelihoods, and create sustainable sources of income.

Thank you for walking alongside us as we work to alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. 


Join us for July Bonus Day (7.10.24) where every gift above $100 will be matched.

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