Dina at 22 months
Dina was being treated repeatedly at a Health Center in Cruz Verde, Nicaragua for malnutrition and low hemoglobin test numbers. Even after months of treatment doctors were seeing little progress in Dina’s overall health.
Dina began attending CICO, a preschool located in Cruz Verde at 12 months of age. She weighed only 8.2 kg (18 lbs) placing her in the 10th percentile nutritional equivalent scale (PANNIN).
Having attended CICO preschool for 10 months and received nutritional meals using Quality Protein Maize, vitamins and minerals provided by Self-Help International, Dina’s weight and overall health are making great progress. In February of 2011, at 22 months of age, Dina was measured in the 30th percentile weight range which is normal for her age. Her hemoglobin had also increased to a normal value of 36.
Self-Help wants to thank everyone who so generously donates to their programs to make stories like Dina’s possible. Each donation goes towards improving the health and happiness of severely malnourished children in Nicaragua.
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