Calendar Girls raise money for Waverly native & Hooters owner David “Lags” Lageschulte’s favorite hometown cause
The 9th Annual Lags Memorial Golf Tournament, part of the Give a Hoot for Self-Help Weekend, chalked up another success. Thank you to Tournament Chair Ted Waitman for organizing the golf tournament and coordinating all of the weekend’s events, as well as to the golfers who came out to support the cause, the volunteers who kept the fun going on the course rain or shine, Joe’s Knighthawk for hosting the after party, and all the local businesses and major sponsors who made this weekend such a success!
Hip hip hooray! Because of your support of this year’s Give a Hoot weekend:
Allison jumps for joy over all the people you’re benefitting!
1st Flight – 1st Place (Score of 63)
Joe Heinen, Cody Ronan, Andy Lounsberry, Joe Schwickerath
2nd Flight – 1st Place (Score of 68)
Elmon Tatroe, Mike Tatroe, Todd Tatroe, Tim Fitzgerald
Hooters girls congratulate a winning golf team!
Click here to see more photos in our Facebook album!
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