Give a Hoot For Self-Help International Raises Funds to Empower Hundreds of Families

Allison jumps in the air excitedly

Give a Hoot Weekend raises $62,000 for Self-Help International!

group of Hooters girls hold smile holding poster of major Self-Help sponsors

Calendar Girls raise money for Waverly native & Hooters owner David “Lags” Lageschulte’s favorite hometown cause

The 9th Annual Lags Memorial Golf Tournament, part of the Give a Hoot for Self-Help Weekend, chalked up another success. Thank you to Tournament Chair Ted Waitman for organizing the golf tournament and coordinating all of the weekend’s events, as well as to the golfers who came out to support the cause, the volunteers who kept the fun going on the course rain or shine, Joe’s Knighthawk for hosting the after party, and all the local businesses and major sponsors who made this weekend such a success!

Hip hip hooray! Because of your support of this year’s Give a Hoot weekend:

  • 240 kids in Ghana will get a healthy breakfast every morning of the 2017/18 school year
  • their parents will learn improved agricultural practices and get all the inputs they need to double or even triple their yields and better nourish their families long term
  • 1,000 people in Nicaragua will have access to clean, safe drinking water on a daily basis so they can lead healthier, more productive lives
  • 30 youth will complete entrepreneurship workshops and start up a rural businesses so they can contribute to their families even if they can’t afford to go on to college
  • and 100 women and girls will get critical health services, small business training, and start up loans so they can provide for their families and achieve self-sufficiency
Hooters Girl Allison jumps in the air excitedly

Allison jumps for joy over all the people you’re benefitting!

Championship Flight – 1st Place (Score of 53)
Tony Wagner, Chris Wagner, Bill Ritter, Dennis Erhardt

1st Flight – 1st Place (Score of 63)
Joe Heinen, Cody Ronan, Andy Lounsberry, Joe Schwickerath

2nd Flight – 1st Place (Score of 68)
Elmon Tatroe, Mike Tatroe, Todd Tatroe, Tim Fitzgerald

Hooters girls pose with a group of golfers

Hooters girls congratulate a winning golf team!

Huge thanks to all the local businesses who sponsored holes on the golf course this year!

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Click here to see more photos in our Facebook album!
Don’t forget to “like” the page to be the first to get updates on next year’s events!

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    3100 Ingersoll Ave, Des Moines, IA 50312
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