Salamatu, a mother of three, joined Self-Help International’s Growing Healthy Food, Growing Healthy Children (GHFGHC) program in January 2020 when she was pregnant with her second child, Ayishatu. When Ayishatu was six months old, Salamatu became pregnant with her third child. Salamatu shared about her experience in the program with SHI’s Nutrition Program Officers.
“I conceived my third child when my second child, Ayishatu, was only six months old. The stress I went through during my third pregnancy was unbearable, I could not care for her properly. Ayishatu became severely malnourished. The [SHI] nutrition team, through counseling, training and [high protein] supplements distribution, helped me. Now she is in the normal range [for growth trajectory] and is due for graduation. The training on family planning changed my perception about the usage of contraceptives and I opted for one, which has really helped me.”
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