Back to School for Afriyie

school feeding program editedAfriyie Mayuruba is in class one in the community of Ama Badu. She is one of many students in the School Feeding Program from Self- Help International. She said, “There would be no food for us without the School Feeding Program. With the help of the porridge, I am able to concentrate in class and am punctual to school because breakfast is always assured.”

The feeding program is geared towards increasing primary school enrollments in ten schools in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The program works hand in hand with the schools and their communities by supporting the communities to grow Quality Protein Maize so the schools can prepare corn porridge for breakfast.

“We are so grateful to Self-Help for initiating this ingenious idea to help increase school enrollment in our village”, said Madam Anne, a kindergarten teacher at Ama Badu School. “A lot of the students get little or nothing to eat at home as breakfast before coming to school. This lack of breakfast makes them unable to pay attention in class and enjoy teaching and learning due to hunger. Some hungry students end up skipping classes, dropping out of school completely or not bothering to attend school,” she added. “But after Self-Help’s initiative, the students come to school on a regular basis, are excited to come to school and even come extra early so that they can eat their QPM breakfast. They are so active in class after their breakfast and it has made teaching and learning fun for these kindergarten students.”

Make a gift in honor of your child or grandchild’s return to school!  A $77 donation supports breakfast all school year for a student like Afriyie.

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