By Abigail Yeboah – Post-Nation Builders Corps Member (NABCO)
Teenage pregnancy is a major barrier to staying in school for young girls in rural Ghana. Engaging in sexual activity can expose girls to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and if girls become pregnant, it is very challenging for them to continue their education or continue to pursue their career goals. Girls in rural areas experience these challenges more acutely than those in urban areas. In a survey published in 2019 by Ghana Statistical Service, over 18% of 15-10 year olds in rural areas reported that they are currently or have been pregnant, compared to 8% in the same age group in urban areas.
Nancy is a young girl from Bedaabour, Ghana. She lives with her aunt and her older sister in the village, and she attended her Primary and Junior High School. Nancy’s friends introduced her to Self-Help International’s Teen Girls Club, and she joined in 2017. She stayed active in the program until she graduated in 2020.
Nancy was determined to continue on in her education but faced financial challenges. Nancy’s parents passed away when she was younger, so she started farming after graduation to support her family and save for school supplies in order to continue on to Secondary School.
When Nancy found out she was pregnant, she knew that it would be even more of a challenge to find the time and resources to attend school. Self-Help International’s Teen Girls Club staff met with Nancy to discuss what her goals were and see how they could help.
Nancy headed to school!
Since Nancy was still committed to pursuing her education, Self-Help supported her with some of the school materials and fees she needed. Helping Nancy overcome those challenges enabled her to focus on both her growing baby and her education. Today, Nancy is a proud General Art student of Mpasatia Senior High School, working hard to achieve her dream.
Nancy has become a role model to her peers and classmates. She made a bold and difficult decision to continue on with her studies and she is now an advocate for both continuing on in your educational journey and in preventing teenage pregnancy.
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