Sarah’s business grows with micro-loan

Sarah Tawiah 2009 Grid7


Sarah is a 37-year-old mother of four children, three of whom are in school. She is married to Daniel. Sarah is a native of Nkawie Panin, a farming community in rural Ghana.

Self-Help International has worked with Sarah since 2009. In 2009, her business was small. She could sell just a handful of vegetables on a small table. She received her first loan that year and has progressed successfully. She has received three more loans since her first.

It is extremely satisfying when rural women take loans, provide for their families, and grow their businesses with the loans.

Sa Grid7

Sarah’s business now

Sarah now owns a store and sells many items ranging from fresh vegetables to canned fish. She is popular in her community for selling fresh and roasted fish.

With her most recent loan Sarah bought a medium-size deep freezer. She tells Self-Help that the days of traveling to Kumasi (25km away) daily to buy fresh fish are over.  She said, “I will travel less, sell more fish, and make more profit.”

Sarah also boasts of a television and a cell phone, both things she did not own in 2009. With her television she gets to learn of prices of goods in other parts of the country.

In the meantime, her four children are enjoying better nutrition, clothes, school uniforms and money to pay for school.

Success stories like Sarah’s are made possible by your generous donations. Thank you for your support!

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